Speech Migrant:innenbeirat

Dear friends,

Today we stand here together to celebrate the Feminist fight day and at the same time draw attention to the challenges that WLINTA* still face around the world. It is a day when we raise our voices to fight for equality, justice and the rights of all women, where every person, regardless of gender, sexual orientation or identity, can live in freedom and dignity.

We live in a time in which we have made great progress. Women have made significant achievements in many areas of society – be it in politics, business, science or the arts. But despite these achievements, we are still a long way from reaching our goal.

One in three women worldwide experience violence. Many women have no access to education or medical care. In many countries, women still earn less than their male colleagues for the same work. These injustices are not just a problem for women – they affect us all. A just society is one in which all people, regardless of gender, have the same opportunities and rights.

That is why it is important that we are here today. We are here to show that we will not remain silent. We are here to strengthen the voices of those who are often not heard. We are here to demand that equality is not just a word, but a reality.

Let’s fight together for a future where every woman has the freedom to pursue her dreams without fear of discrimination or violence. Let’s make sure that the next generation of women lives in a world where equality is not just an ideal, but a given.

I invite you to take action. Talk about these issues, get involved in your communities and support organizations that fight for women’s rights. Together we can make a difference.

Let’s stand up for women’s rights today and every day. Let’s fight together for a fairer world!

Solidarity is the key to our success! Thank you very much!